Sunday, 31 May 2009

5, 6, 7, 8 and Left Jab

It seems we've done some sort of (very) unintentional weather exchange with the UK and it's getting me down dammit. The last 3 days have been ridiculously 'fresh', i.e cold and a miserable shade of grey while I believe you guys are getting crispy in the sun. This was not meant to happen! Hopefully it will pass sharpish but when I heard the locals going 'Oh it's May grey and June gloom every year' in Cali I was not impressed to say the least.

Anywaysss...that hasn't stopped me getting going on the kiting and i've done a couple of land sessions with Nudge which is kinda intimidating but cool...and horribly expensive. The local kitesurf scene is thriving, it seems everyone knows everyone and I'm getting quite a few 'Who the hell is she?!' looks at the moment. My first sesh was with a 9 meter kite and the second a 12 meter which kept me on my nervous toes as I had visions of be yanked up the beach and into the air like Mary Poppins while the surf community watched on with smiles on their faces. Luckily that didn't happen and I seemed to do alright.

Thursday night was interesting as in true Chris form he came home from work and litrally dragged us into a local bar for '1' drink.

6 drinks later I learned you're not allowed to jay-walk in America and found myself screaming and running acoss the middle of the road away from the cops. Thank god I didn't get a $50 ticket but still got the embarrassing megaphone treatment of "Get on the sidewalk miss, I repeat, get on the sidewalk". We all legged it into blockbuster and must have been a little tipsyer than planned as ended up singing an orchestral rendition of the Jurassic Park theme tune in the horror isle.

Last night we had dinner with Chris's best friend Brian who's hilarious and as we drank copious amounts of red wine and port he informed us of all the closet gay leading males in Hollywood (Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves) and talked about the A-listers he's hung out with a spotted over the years.

This morning I went to our local gym for a box aerobics class with Gary. I have never, ever, ever felt more American in my whole life but loved it! Gary is this 'all American' 50 year old legend who does his box aerobics class to 80's synth music (Cat, you would love this class!) and warm downs to The Beatles. He had everyone singing Yellow Submarine while working those abs and stretching those hamstrings. He throughly loved having a new Brit in the class and I'll be back next Sat.

After that I went down to the beach to have a gander at this 'swap meet' thing Nudge told me about. It happens once a year and is basically a chance for kitesurfers to sell used gear. I didn't see anything suitable but am in the process of negotiating my first kit which will cost an absolute fortune and I'm trying not to hyperventalate when thinking about it.

In the afternoon Loz and I cycled down to downtown Long Beach which was pretty unimpressive to be honest! Everything obviously happens in Santa Monica up the coast so when the weather picks up we'll just metro up there instead.

That's it for now, just watching some films and eating my ice cream tonight...

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